Chrysalis Business Networking
Join our networking meetings the 3rd Friday of every month
“Chrysalis provides a wealth of experience and knowledge for women and run by women. It’s a warm, welcoming and supportive environment where members generously share their wisdom for the benefit of everyone. Not only have I learned a lot, but I have enjoyed!!”
Judith Yeabsley, The Confident Eater
All monthly meetings include
- Inspirational speakers on business development
- Connection and networking opportunities
- Showcase your business and promote to the group
- Fun, friendship, inspiration and learning
- Refreshments
Your First Meeting Free!
The Porirua Club
1 Lodge Pl
First meeting free!
Members: Free
Non-members: $30, payable online
Our next meeting
Click through to see more information and to register for our next meeting
What happens at a network meeting?
Approximately 40-50 women turn up to the meetings.
Meetings start at 9am and last for two hours. When you arrive, you’ll sign in, take a name tag and pay the $30 entry fee (or if you become a member, the entry fee is included in your membership).
You are welcome to put your business cards, flyers and any products on the display tables, then help yourself to free refreshments. At 9.30 the meeting gets under way; the coordinator welcomes the group, gives an overview of the Chrysalis service and explains what will be happening during the meeting. There will then be a speaker for 30-40 minutes, followed by attendees introducing themselves and their business for 30 seconds each.
There will be an update on the upcoming meetings, then time for more coffee and networking. The meeting finishes at 11.00, though many people stay behind for another half hour or so to chat with others.
Benefits of the network group and meetings
When you come along to a meeting you’ll get to meet a range of interesting women; be able to promote your services; display your products and flyers; listen to a speaker; have coffee and refreshments, and spend valuable time networking. In addition, you can join the Facebook group, and attend our workshops on business growth topics.
There are many more benefits you can gain if you decide to come regularly and become an active member – for example gaining new clients, business growth ideas, business partnerships, mastermind groups, inspiration, friendships, and more. It’s a case of what you put in, you get out.
“Chrysalis has helped me connect with many women running all sorts of exciting businesses. They’ve challenged my thinking about business and helped me to grow and develop.”
Angela Bensemann, Halo Communications